All Saints School

Religious Programs

October 2, 2016

Youth Ministry:  “Disciples in Action,” Monday, October 4th, 3:10-5:00: “Celebrating St. Francis and Pope Francis: Prayer, Praise, Friendship and Fun.” Please pick up your child by the gym door at 5:00.

Sacramental Preparation

Confirmation:  Thanks to all the candidates and sponsors that attended our retreat last Sunday. Please join us for the sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday, October 26, at 7:00.  Please pray for the 35 young people who will be confirmed.

Reconciliation and Eucharist:  Classes for this year begin with parents on Wednesday, October 19, at 6:45 in the parish hall. Communicating and sharing your faith story is central to the sacred role of parenting.  We all learn and process information in different ways. God created magnificent brains but our brains aren’t alike.  Understanding and honoring the learning style of your children is an important focus as you help prepare your child for the sacraments.

Information and application forms may be found in the back of the church, the parish office, or the school office.  Questions?  Please contact: Pat Fellers