Just A Thought Or Two . . .
“Lord, Teach Us to See, Hear, and Walk”
It is hard to watch the news these days. Freezing temperatures, hit-and-run accidents, the plight of the homeless, the up and down economy . . . no doubt about it. . . we have issues. These December days are not a time for fears and doubts. No, this is a time for courage and hope.
Sunday’s Scripture Readings give focus to our hope. Isaiah tells us, “Be strong, fear not!” Our God will strengthen the hands that are feeble and make firm the knees that are weak. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, and the lame will walk. Isaiah creates a vision of the Kingdom of God.
We’re ready. This reality can’t come a moment too soon. But the letter of James cautions us to be patient like the farmer awaiting the precious yield of the soil.
Then we hear the words of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel. John the Baptist is in prison and hears about the works of Jesus. He sends his disciples to ask Jesus if He is the one to come or if they should look for another. Jesus told them, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: the blind recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured, the deaf hear, dead men are raised to life.” The prophecy of Isaiah has been fulfilled.
Jesus, Our Savior, the worker of miracles, continues to work in our Advent world. Lord, we can be blind and we pray for sight. Jesus, help us to see Your love in one another. Help us to see our brothers and sisters in need. May we see their suffering, the reasons behind the angry words, the fears behind the frustration.
Jesus, teach us to hear. Help us to hear the evil in the rhetoric that says that life is expendable, differences are threats, and that more is always better. Help us to hear the cry of the poor, discover the comfortable silence found in prayer, and the joyful sound of angel voices announcing Your birth.
Lord, sometimes we are lame. Teach us to walk. May we take those extra steps to talk to a lonely neighbor, chat with a troubled teen, or walk to the church for daily Mass.
Our communities are hurting. With Jesus Christ miracles happen. Isaiah says, “Be strong, fear not!” James says, “Be patient.” Jesus simply shows us that we do not have to look for another. Our God is here.
Please come and pray with us: Advent Mass Friday, December 20, at 8:45. Hosted by Grade Seven in All Saints Catholic Church; All Saints Catholic School Christmas Program, Thursday, December 19. Christmas Eve Liturgy: December 24 at 5:30. Children are invited to come dressed as angels and shepherds to help act out the Nativity Story. Please see the sign up paper sent by email.