In kindergarten the students will learn:
- They belong to classroom, school, and parish communities.
- Social and emotional skills.
- Alphabetic principles and emergent literacy.
- Early numeracy and problem-solving.
- Living things grow and change.

- Counting and representing quantities
- Measuring and comparing
- 2D and 3D Geometry
- Collecting, recording, and representing data
- Sorting and classifying
- What is Science?
- Living and nonliving things
- Plants and animals
- Objects and motion
- Matter and mixtures
God is our loving father who makes every person special.
God watches over us and all creation.
The Church is a Family of God.
Prayer is talking and listening to God.
Service Project: People in our Community
“Veterans, Valentines, and Violets”
About the Organization:
In an effort to build upon the educational concept of “community”, we will focus on groups such as our neighbors, senior citizens within the All Saints Parish, and veterans. The focus will parallel age-appropriate curriculum emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting the roles people play within the community of All Saints and Portland.