Religious Programs
Youth Ministry: “Disciples in Action”
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 8, we will celebrate the 100th birthday of All Saints Parish. Stories, Food, Fun, Prayers!!
Food Bank: November 15, from 6:00-8:30. Please give your permission form to your religion teacher.
Sacramental Preparation:
Confirmation: Please continue to remember in your prayers the 35 members of this community who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday, October 26. Are you interested in being a member of our 2017 Confirmation class? Please contact: Holly Safranski Pat Fellers
Reconciliation and Eucharist: We had our first class on October 19. Thanks to all the families who are part of our sacramental program. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, November 9, from 6:45-7:45. Adults will meet in the library and childcare will be held in the Annex. Topic: Rituals and Traditions.
Information and application forms may be found in the back of the church, the parish office, or the school office. Questions? Please contact: Pat Fellers
Infant Baptism: Interested in having your precious baby baptized? Please contact: Pat Fellers